Every so often a dog food brand will come to our attention that is exciting and intriguing. Named in honour of an Amazonian tribe who live in harmony with nature, Yora is one of those brands!

We often see dog food trends come to the forefront, such as raw food and human grade food - could insect based food be the next big thing?

What is Yora insect based dog food?

  • It is a protein filled recipe that is made from Hermetia illucen larvae, which are like chubby mealworms. 
  • These insects have a complex amino acid structure which has many health benefits for animals that eat them.

Why use insects?

  • This dog food is designed to be an alternative meal to meat, that is high in protein and completely natural. Protein is essential for a dog's healthy growth and can be found in abundance in these insects. 
  • Insects have less impact on the environment than the ingredients that go into other dog foods. They use less water, energy and take up very little land, meaning that they are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  • These insects have not been exposed to growth hormones or antibiotics, making it healthier than meat.
  • Insects eat a clean diet, so are more natural.

What are the health benefits of insect based food?

  • Insect protein is gentle on the tummy so is better for the digestion.
  • Creates firmer stools.
  • Supports muscle strength.
  • Improves coat and skin condition.
  • Contains omega 3 and 6 which support brain and eye health.
  • Packed with calcium and zinc for strong bones.

Click here to browse the full range of Yora insect based dog food.

Post By Kimberley Roderick