With the cost of living crisis taking hold for many households, we are now all looking at ways to save money wherever we can. From energy bills to car insurance, it is sometimes possible to shop around and find better deals that can reduce costs, giving us back a few extra pounds that can be utilised elsewhere. 

But can we reduce the cost of keeping a pet? Over the course of a year, the money we spend on our pets can be incredibly high and some are now having to make agonising decisions over whether they can afford to keep their pet at all. Following your initial purchase spend, you will have had to pay for accessories, such as bedding and toys, then perhaps veterinary injections and check-ups. On top of this there will be a yearly spend towards other essentials, including food and insurance. For this month's blog we have put together a few money saving tips for cat owners, for our feline friend who can always brighten up our day, but also make a dent in our wallet.

Cat Food

Everyone wants their pet to enjoy a tasty meal, especially when a good diet is key to keeping them happy and healthy for longer. But let's face it, cats can be fussy and their food can be expensive. So it is important to find a balance between the cost and the quality of what you are buying, ensuring that your pet is getting all of the essential nutrients that they need.

  • Shop around each time you buy - many outlets will have offers and sales that change throughout the year
  • Look into setting up a subscription for your cat food delivery, as this can sometimes knock pounds off what you are paying
  • There is often nothing wrong with changing to a cheaper brand of cat food. As long as you gradually introduce them to it and it contains all of the essential ingredients your cat needs, this can be a real money saver
  • Buying in bulk can often save you money - take advantage of 2 for 1 offers for example and keep the extra bag safely tucked away until you need it

Vet Bills

Keeping up with vaccinations, worming treatments and flea products are just a few of the regular vet bills that you might be paying for your cat. There are also extra visits that you might be making, for upset tummies, neutering, for swallowing foreign objects…the list is endless. 

  • Vets can vary quite a lot in what they charge, so it’s best to shop around for one that’s affordable to you
  • Check if they have any health plan schemes where you can pay monthly towards flea and tick treatments, as well as where you can receive regular check-ups as part of the package
  • Try to keep your cat as healthy as you can, in order to avoid going to the vet if possible
  • If you can avoid using your vet out of hours then this can save you a big extra charge on your bill. If your cat is very ill however, don’t delay, just ask if your vet can accept instalments on the charge
  • Brush your cat's teeth! Oral treatments are usually expensive and not always included with your pet insurance

Pet Insurance

When we bring a pet into our homes, we often make the mistake of thinking that pet insurance is a bit of a waste of time and that if we look after our cats properly, they will never receive costly vet bills that will need paying through insurance. However, once we get that first big bill for something that we are unable to predict, we realise that a small monthly payment to an insurance company isn’t such a bad idea after all. In the long run, it will save you having to make difficult decisions about whether or not you can afford treatment.

  • When shopping for pet insurance for your cat, be sure to take advantage of any new customer offers, which may involve adding a code at check-out
  • Think about the type of cover that you will need, as there will be different levels to choose from that will vary in cost, from lifetime cover to time limited cover. Dental health is very important for cats, so check if this is included
  • Have all of your pets under one policy with the same company, as this is more cost effective
  • If you can afford a higher excess, this will bring the cost of the overall cover down. Just remember that the excess will usually need to be paid as soon as treatment begins, so make sure that it is affordable
  • Having your cat microchipped and fully vaccinated can sometimes mean your policy cost is lower

Cat Litter

Essential for daily use, cat litter will save your home from odours and mess. There are many types to choose from, such as wood or paper based, all of which have different price points and their own benefits. You may need to use trial and error to see which type suits your cat best, but once you have chosen, you can look to save money in the long term.

  • Take advantage of any subscription deals - if you are ordering weekly or monthly there are some real savings to be made
  • Shop around each time you buy - many outlets will have offers and sales that change throughout the year
  • Buying in bulk can often save you money - take advantage of 2 for 1 offers for example and keep the extra bag safely tucked away until you need it

Post By Kimberley Roderick