A Guide to Dog Grooming in the Summer

Keeping your dog groomed and well maintained is important at any time of the year, but especially so in the hot summer months. Pampering your pooch can make the difference between an enjoyable hot weather season or one where they are miserable, fatigued and

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How To Reduce Dog Separation Anxiety When You Return To Work

With many of us getting ready to go back to work following the Covid 19 lockdown, we must remember to take into account that our pets might need some readjustment time as we suddenly disappear from a home that we have been in 24/7 for the last few months.

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How to Keep your Dog Cool in the Summer

Keeping our pets cool in the hot summer months can be difficult. First of all we have to guess how hot they might be feeling, although panting is often a sure sign, then we need to come up with inventive ways of making them more comfortable so that they do

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Holiday Care for your Pet

Millions of people look forward to a break away each year, whether in this country or somewhere more exotic. Whilst many of us plan holidays that can accommodate our pets, such as in pet friendly hotels, camping or lodges, there is often no other choice than

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Training Your Dog Out Of Bad Behaviour

As much as we love our dogs, it can sometimes be frustrating if they are badly behaved. Whether we have had them from a puppy or have welcomed them into our homes at a later point in their life, it is never too late to train them in the basics. 

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Dental Health in Cats and Dogs

Looking after the health of your pet's teeth is just as important as caring for your own. If something should happen to their teeth or gums, it could mean long periods of discomfort along with high veterinary bills in an attempt to try and solve the problem.

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