How Do You Stop A Dog From Eating Too Fast?

Does your dog eat every meal as though it hasn’t been fed in months? It is very common for our four legged friends to literally inhale their food, without a single chew being taken and without any enjoyment of the flavours or textures.

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Should I Feed My Cat A Grain Free Diet?

We all want the very best for our pets, hoping to give them the healthiest life that we possibly can. The food that they eat is a very big part of this, as it can either give them energy and vitality or leave them feeling bloated and prone to sensitivities. 

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How To Maintain Your Aquarium

If you are enjoying the view of your fish tank, feeling relaxed at the serene surroundings, it can sometimes be easy to forget that it needs maintaining in order to keep your fish healthy.

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A Guide To Cat Neutering

Having your cat neutered or castrated can sound like a form of torture, but it can be essential if you wish to prevent unplanned kittens and want to look after your cats long term health.

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How To Socialise Your Puppy

Getting a new puppy is one of the most exciting things we can do as a family. We talk about it for ages, deciding what breed to get, buy lots of toys for it and then look forward to the day that we can bring it home.

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A Guide to Autumn Wildlife

As the lush green leaves turn to a spectacular display of brown and orange, we should spare a thought for all of the animals who must begin their search for food and shelter in preparation for the harsh autumn and winter ahead.

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